Week6: Visual communication

P Wonglee
Jun 3, 2021

Hi World

The day after submission time! Today I brought a teapot and a couple of teabag to the classroom to share hot tea with other friends while working on our next task.

Today Rae told us to join the class via the Miro board. She suggested we think of the zine topic which is the final assessment.

Rae allowed us to share 10 zine topics on the Miro board. I went with the fun topics such as Tea story, flower language, meditation, aromatic healing, indoor plants and so on. I also found some zine samples for my zine-style as well. Eventually, I decided to go with the tea topic. At the end of the class, I was done research about the type of tea and mostly spent time on planning pages in Adobe Indesign.

These were what I found to adapt for my zine



P Wonglee

Aries | ISFP | 6w7 | Brisbane, Queensland | Master of Design @QCA