Tri2 Week3: Experience Design

P Wonglee
4 min readSep 24, 2021

Hi World

Welcome to week 3! Carolyn had a little greeting and started reminding us about the first assignment process and re-briefing it. She also reviews the quantitative and qualitative research from the last week before started a new lecture.

Today, she was focusing on demographics and psychographics and explained the difference between both types of information. Demographics are databases about the fact and numbers of the population. Psychographics are databases about people’s aspect and their opinions in the relevant area of research.

Demographics and Psychographics

She indicated an example for each information and showed where to find the demographic information; for example, from Australian Government Census Data. She presented many websites and suggested everyone try thinking of the demographic and psychographic questions. In the end, she showed example questions on the screen and asked us what data types of them.

Carolyn gave us a fun workshop between the lecture ‘My creative type by Adobe’ to find out what our creative type was. There were many confusing questions there such as ‘would you be a torture cookie or a birthday cake’ and Carolyn told me not to overthink about it. I did it 3 times because I had some different answers. My first and second times were the Dreamer and I got the Maker the last time. Many friends in the class mostly got the Dreamer too and following by the Thinker.

*Love it*

My creative type

After the quiz, Carolyn brought us back to the demographics and psychographic again, and she gave us 10 minutes break to create demographic questions and psychographic questions then post them to the sharing board.

Then she finished her lecture, shared the Miro board URL with the class and convinced everyone to present their assignment idea to the class. According to the workshop last week, I presented my idea to Carolyn and started thinking about the report. On the Miro board, I saw many ideas from my classmates and how they expressed their aim and research questions. I explained what my idea was, the aim and the questions for doing research. I knew where I can find the interviewee but I may interview in the Thai language and translate it to English again. I wanted to show that how people gain benefits and happiness from playing RP community.

This week after finished the class, I thought of the context ‘how can I describe the role-playing community to someone who doesn’t know what it is?’. It can be defined as an online boarding group that can play a mini-game with other participants. Each RP community has their own theme, and participants who want to join the group must create their character with the same theme to register to the group. RP communities are mostly played on online platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Roll20 and Discord. I started writing some definitions of the RP community and how to participate with the community in my report.



P Wonglee

Aries | ISFP | 6w7 | Brisbane, Queensland | Master of Design @QCA