Tri2 Week2: Experience Design

P Wonglee
4 min readSep 24, 2021


Hi world

This is a second week. Today, Carolyn explained User experience and Experience design. She started asking about how her students feel about the experience design class and reminded us of the assignment schedule.

After reviewed someone blogs, Carolyn brought us to her Miro board and gave a workshop to generate ideas about the first assignment with the topic ‘happiness’. Then she asked everyone to explained their ideas one by one. My first idea ‘happiness’ was about human well being. I overthought of my hometown situation that COVID19 made many families’ members die because of poverty, poor human management, poor health and hunger. The majority of people cannot reach happiness because their life was treated unequally. I put the Sustainable Development Goals on the Miro board and tried to think of ways that can help people to be happy.

Then I realised after Carolyn moved on the lecture to the break time that...
OMG, I thought too much. I must go with something fun that I’m happy about, then I can make other people happy with my idea!
Carolyn also agreed with me that my idea was good but it was too large, and I should think of a new idea to work on the assignment again.

After the break, Carolyn explained the experience design models and 7 factors that affect user experience which are accessible, valuable, useful, usable, findable, credible and desirable. The model divides into 5 experience design elements, which are information, navigation, engagement, entertainment and personalisation. Same as Design thinking, she quickly explained about the experience design project outputs that are processed from doing research, analysing data, creating design, prototyping and test the project.

She recommended useful tools to work on each process. For example, using SurveyMonkey, Google form or Mentimeter for research; using Miro, Microsoft Teams or Padlet to communicate in the team; using AdobeXD, Figma or Invision for prototyping. Then she encouraged us to think of choosing research methods. Thanks to Carolyn’s report template, I can imagine and roughly plan in my head that how I can do the research for the first assignment.

Before we finished, Carolyn explained the difference between quantitative research and qualitative research, and she suggested that both kinds of research should be in the first assignment report. Qualitative research focuses on open questions that the answer could be anything from the people. I assumed that it is a kind of research of people’s aspect. Quantitative research is a closed question that people can answer with a fact. As the table below shows, the quantitative research normally came with ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘how many’ or ‘how (adj.)’ to get the specific answers. Qualitative research comes with ‘why’ and ‘how’ to explore the people’s aspects and problems.

Because I have messed with my too-large idea last class meeting, so I started thinking about something that I appreciate and I am happy with it. The first thing in my mind was a role-play community that I was playing during the student vacation. I can say I’m so happy to play somebody role who was not me sometimes I was being such as a boy, a doctor or a sorceress. I saw many benefits from playing a role-play community. For example, it improved communication skills and the opportunity of graphic and drawing jobs. Obviously, many people get a new friend from playing role-play community, and somebody can find their partner and get married eventually.

I was crazy for a moment to try translating the Role-play community document from Thai to English. For the one who visits my blog, you can inspect the URL below to see the community document although I didn’t finish translating.

I tried translating it my best but the document is very long and too complicated.

This is how the player plays the RP community. They joined the group, drew their own character, and created the story in the group.



P Wonglee

Aries | ISFP | 6w7 | Brisbane, Queensland | Master of Design @QCA